Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sorry, but my kids are stinkin cute!

A couple of weeks ago I had my kids pictures taken. I had to wait 2 weeks to get my disk and of course in the mean time I have left for AZ. However, thanks to my wonderful husband who downloaded them for me...Here they are!
**Warning, this will be alot of pictures**

Yes, these are his really eyes. They look so blue because of his shirt, hat, and sun.


Kathi said...

seriously, Jenny, your kiddos are so stinkin cute. When are you guys coming down? How is the job hunt going?

Unknown said...

Well look at their mommy she is beautiful inside and out...I miss you Jen and love you lots. Truly gorgeous eyes on that Zane!

Julie said...

jen did you take the pics? were did you get Ems skirt!