Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Karate Kid...

Earlier this summer Garrit went to karate night with his friends across the street. Ever since that is all I have heard about. So, we finally got him enrolled. And the kid loves it. I really like it because it is teaching him to be positive and respectful. Also, the first rule of karate is "Always, always listen to your parents, the first time." What parent does not love that rule.

I love this picture because I have a picture of Symen at about 7 and they look exactly the same.
I swear Garrit is the cutest. I just love my little Garrit.

And now she has retured...

Here she right after school. I love her smile of pure excitement and joy.
I asked Emilee all about her day and here is the responses I got.
1. How was your day?
2. What did you do?
We colored, read a book about the ocean, but we did not finish it, and had a snack.
3. What do you know now that you did not know before school?
I learned how to write a book about my summer vacation.
4. What was your favorite part of the day?
Playing on the playground. After you finish your lunch you can go play on the playground and I got to play with Victoria. And during 2ND recess I just swinged.
5. Did you make new friends today?
Yes, I ate lunch with a girl who's name is like mine but different. Her name is Ellie. I also sit by Trevor, Spencer, and Anna.
6. What did you not like?
Nothing, I liked everything.
Other things that Emilee said about her first day.
"Mrs. Dahl is not just nice, shes fun."
"You get a desk and it really fun, instead of a carpet."
Emilee had a great day and is looking forward to going tomorrow.

And she is off....

to the first grade. Emilee is so excited to finally be going to first grade. She gets to play on the big playground, eat lunch in the cafeteria, and stay at school all day. Yesterday, Emilee's friend Victoria came over to help Em pick out an outfit for school today. She is such a little fashion bug. Last night we went to back to school night, we meet her teacher; Mrs. Dahl, got her a new school shirt and hoodie, and I signed up for the PTA and helping in the classroom.

She is all smiles as she waits for her friends to pick her up for school.

Here are her friends that she will ride to and from school with. Victoria and her brother Aaron, who is also in Emilee's class.

And they are off, my sweet little angle is off to the first grade. I can't wait to hear about her day.