Monday, September 28, 2009

Showered with love....

Saturday, my girlfriends from Heber came down to shower Krew and I with love and fun. We started our day getting pedicures. It was great because we were all in one room and were able to chat and laugh. Even at the age of 30 we were told we were being kind of loud for the salon. Seriously, what do expect when you get 5 women together.

After our pedicures, we did a little shopping. I found a cute little Halloween costume for Krew, I will post that later. After shopping we headed downtown Salt Lake to Bennihanna for lunch. Oh my goodness, I was in heaven. I have come to the stage in my pregnancy were I am not a fan of eating, well because there is no room. However, the food was awesome and even had some sushi. After our lunch we walked to the conference center, to attend the Relief Society Broadcast. This was my first time going to a conference. It was amazing. The Spirit that the Prophet brings in the room with him is unbelievable. The talks were great and I left feeling uplifted.
I had a great day spending time with my friends and enjoy the company of great women and getting some cute outfits for Krew. It was great to take the time for me before my little man arrives.

Backing up...

To the Heber Derby. It is sad to sad to say but I can't remember when we went to the derby. I do remember it was during our 2 week move. However, it was one of the highlights of the summer. This year once again we had the threat of rain. Luckily, it never came. Probably, because I was prepared this time.
Zane loved it. His favorite part was the tractors. "Mom, look at that big tractor." He loved watching them clean up and move cars around, which is good because this year it seem like it took forever in between rounds.
Garrit loved watching the cars crash. They would come out and he would pick his favorite and make everyone else pick too. To my surprise, he usually picked the winner.
We all had a great time at the derby this year. There were a couple of people they brought the ambulance in for, which added to the kids excitement. It was a fun time and hopefully we can go again next year.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Labor Day...Lake Powell

We rented a camper and loaded up the family and headed down to Halls Crossing. The kids were so excited about staying in the camper we could of just rented a camper and left it in the driveway for the weekend.
The kids loved sitting in the front of the boat and feeling the wind on their face. They were like dogs hanging their heads out a window. The would scream and say "go faster, Dad". Unfortunately, the result from them in the front of the boat was wind chapped faces.

We spent the days on the lake, then we would go back to the camper for dinner, movie, and bed. Symen took the kids tubing and hydro sliding. The first day I am not sure who was more tired. The kids or Dad.

Emilee, tried everything. She was able to pull herself up on the hydro slide, water ski, and she even tried to wake board. I think next year will be the year for the wake board.

Garrit, loved to swim off the back of the boat. He would just jump in and out all day. We did eventually get him on the hydro slide and the tub. He had fun, but wasn't thrilled to do it again.

Zane did everything we would let him. He went on the tub and the hydro slide with Dad. He loved every minute of it.

We had some friends that parked their boat at a beach, so everyday we would go to the beach and have some lunch and play in the sand.

Symen took the kids for a little hike.

Dad and Emilee on the hydro-slide. I laughed so hard watching these two, I thought I was going to go into labor.

Garrit and Dad on the hydro-slide. Is that a smile I see on Garrit?

Things went more smoothly with Zaner. Zane is loving it.

Hanging out at the beach.

Poor Garrit, the kid is so skinny, his pants would not stay up at all.

We had such a great time. It was good to spend some time together as a family, before things get turned upside down with the baby coming. As a kid Symen would go to Lake Powell with his family, he really enjoyed sharing this with his kids. I can't wait for next year when I will look good in a bath suit and be able to ski and play with the rest of them.